Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ending of 2014

Phew.. It's seems like 2014 has been passing very fast. Now that i recall everything was like few eye clips away.
Although the year wasn't going very well. From MH370 incident, til Suluk incident come together with super dry season and now even the last month of the year there's still AirAsia incident. It just won't  let go that easily har...?
Sigh.!! Not sure whether it's due to the last digit of the year. But then, the last day of 2014 will be ending soon. Let's hope the new year of 2015 will bring everyone some luck and peace.
No more bad incident please..
Pray from everyone. 南无阿弥陀佛.. 🙏

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Regain of Positive Energy

It's been quite long for not updating my blog. Well, I'm back. :)

Today was suppose to be a bright Tuesday. But the bright day was totally spoiled by someone's sudden and stupid action. Sigh.. I really didn't see that coming..
Although I'm always cheerful, but today's encounter really hit me a little. I guess I will really have to regain some positive energy to neutralize my feeling. Since I'm about to on leave real soon and Christmas is around the corner, I see no reasons why I should remain bad mood for such minor attacks. 
Please stay strong, Sam. Cheers..!!!