Friday, December 02, 2011

Frustration - Money Not Enough

It's getting more and more frustrated for me nowadays... = ="
Reason? Income which is so low is no longer able to support the daily life nowadays especially with all the price increment which is getting more and more frequent...  While at the other end, my company's annual increment is by standard not much.. And I really mean not much..  Wait for bonus? It's sorry to tell that there's no bonus for my company as it's on KPI basis. Unlike some others company, they have KPI + Bonus to ensure that their employee has enough remuneration and satisfaction. 

I doubt that until when can I obtain a higher pay if I am to remain in the same company for the next few years. 
The situation I'm on currently is similar like "壁虎跳墙". I really don't have much choice but to locate for other way out. 

Wish me luck...!!

1 comment:

Babbu Singh said...

nice blogging bro.. keep it up