Friday, December 09, 2011

Not Responsible on Other's Mistake

There's this long long time ago, I have encountered a problem in a scenario which I also predicted it's going to get worst soon in future if there's no changes to be made. I have been trying and trying very hard to advise the management to avoid such decision by explaining the consequences but none of them would just listen.

And now the situation arised and everyone come request me to be the assistant in this scenario which is totally out of my job scope while meantime I were overloaded?
I don't think I have a choice but to say, "this is mistake not made by me and I have did my part in advice, they should have aware of the consequences the time they made this decision. So I'm not going to responsible on this. TQ."

In addition is, those who facing the problems now but insist to follow the decision too should have known that they have to take the consequences as...  I did notified them earlier about this.. and they shouldn't be complaining now.

- Thank you for reading.. -

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